Wednesday, September 24, 2008

one week to go...

Disclaimer: I’m sitting down to right this super hungry and waiting for dinner so sorry if it comes out a little less than poetic. haha.

So I have officially been away from the states for 2 weeks now. It seems like so much longer when I stop to think about all the things I have done in Florence, friendships I have made and traveling we’ve done. Its been great to be able to cram so much into these couple of weeks here, but good to know we’re moving on to a more regular schedule in Parma too.

I last posted after my best day in Italy so far, and that title still stands. Sunday we planned to go to these two outlying locations known for their gardens according to my Fodor’s book, but turned out to be a little less impressive that what we had been promised. We had all anticipated a much more open space outside of the city with flowers, greenery and quiet, but instead we were dropped off at some random street corner by a bus driver who promised that this was the stop we wanted. We ended up walking in the wrong direction, but luckily found a sign plus a cute Italian couple that told us where we wanted to go. We finally arrived and after seeing the Boboli gardens earlier in the week we weren’t too impressed by a large house with a sizable garden in the back. Eating lunch, reading for our homework and then heading back seemed to be just what everyone wanted to do so we were only there for a couple of hours and then headed back to the more comfortable area of Florence we have come to know. On the way back, some of us stopped at a flea market that was visible from the bus in hopes of finding some amazing Italian treasure amidst the massive tents and people, but again left feeling a little less than satisfied. The market was huge in size, but seemed to offer nothing more than what you might find anywhere else in the world (minus the millions of old termite-eaten Italian books at every other table). After that day we were ready for a good night back at home in the hotel.

On Monday we started our last week of classes at the Medici Palace and San Lorenzo. Both of these locations are notable because of their importance to the city politics (the Medici bank was housed at the palace) and societal significance as they both demonstrated the masses of wealth during the 15th century in Florence. While we were in the Medici Palace attempting to have our usual lecture, a protest was simultaneously going on outside where state employers were protesting the very building we were in (it is now home to the Florentine police). It was a peaceful protest, although our professor did tell us to simply say we were Canadian and did not work for the police if they did decide to charge, but humorous to be standing in a building trying to learn about its significance while realizing the important/controversial role it still holds. After class some of us went to read and chill out on the bridge overlooking the Ponte Vecchio (hard life I lead, I know.) Our MTV Italy books had recommended that we sit on these triangular outsets from the bridge to get away from the flow of traffic and have a great view of the bridge. It was definitely worth the trip (and the slight hesitation to jump down onto the outset because we were fearful of getting back up) and let us chill out for a little while after class. Afterwards we all headed back to the Supermarket near the hotel, grabbed a loaf of bread, brie and some wine juice boxes (yes, only in Italy) and went to the nearby Piazza della Liberta to eat. Other than almost being attacked like everyone’s reoccurring nightmare after watching Birds while trying to eat lunch (and this is NOT an exaggeration) we had a good time talking about our plans for the weekend and still getting to know each other. That night was interesting as everyone in the group (minus those that were too sick) went out together to the karaoke bar for two of the kids birthdays. It was fun knowing that we were all hanging out together even though we all clearly still wanted to sit in the groups we have formed. Several people sang karaoke, but then around one the birthday girl decided she wanted to venture over to a club to see M.I.M.S. perform so most of the group minus the birthday boy and 3 of us either went with her or back to the hotel. The four of us stayed at the bar until closing just hanging out and singing some more songs. I even got in on the action and sang “Sweet Caroline” (a BC classic) and “Bohemian Rhapsody” with Stephanie and Nate. The instrumental back-ups were not very good so we struggled to say the least, but it was a good first time up on the stage.

Tuesday we had class at the Museo del Operal del Duomo where all of the original structures built for the cathedral complex are housed. It was interesting to see some of the original ideas for the outside of the cathedral in drawings and other simulations. Our professor was less than happy with having to be there though because he had to make the trip down to Rome for the afternoon so he rushed through and left us an hour early to do more touring of the museum if we wished. I stayed to see some of the instruments used in the construction process as well as some more old relics. Yesterday was also our friend’s 20th birthday so we decided we would go out to eat with him to celebrate that. Since we get free dinner at the hotel every night we opted for lunch since we always have to pay for that anyway. Just down the street from our hotel is apparently the best place to get a steak in town so we figured that would be the perfect place to take him. My roommates and I decided to split to meals in order to keep down the cost (only 10 euros for each of us). We ordered a pasta with zucchini flower sauce and a steak. When the food arrived it looked AMAZING because we were so used to seeing our mass produced meals at dinners at the hotel and proved to taste pretty good too. Well, I guess that is until we figured out a few bites in hat in fact we had ordered liver instead of steak. I had thought it was weird they didn’t ask us how we wanted our steak prepared, but assumed that the chef had his own set of rules and was going to cook it his way. The taste wasn’t bad, but as per usual I had an issue with the texture and so didn’t end up eating too much of it. The boys split the 40 euro Florentine steak though and loved it. It was probably the rarest and largest meat I have ever seen served, but they were convinced it was well worth the money. I think Jeff had a good birthday meal, so despite my stomach’s later discontent with my meal it was a good afternoon out. Six of us that had gone to lunch left the restaurant an headed over to the train station to buy tickets for this weekends adventures. We were a little concerned after our bad experiences there before, but lucked out and got tickets to do two day trips this weekend. Saturday we are going to go to Cinque Terre (my main priority when I came to study abroad) and Sunday we are going to Assisi (a place I have been wanting to go back to since I left 4 years ago). I’m excited about it because we have a great group of us going and we will also get to see two amazing sights in one weekend while also being able to sleep in our hotel beds (and not pay for lodging) at night. The photograph options are endless for this weekend so I am extremely excited about documenting it all.

Today we had class at the convent at San Marco. We looked at several frescoes and were able to see some of the friars’ dormitories as well. It amazes me every day how much there is to see here in Florence. I feel like we are getting a very comprehensive tour of the city, but still feel like we will leave with plenty to see if we ever want to return. After class my roommates and I headed up to Piazza del Michelangelo and San Miniato for the afternoon. It was a little bit of a hike up there, but once we reached the top we had yet another gorgeous view of the entire city. I think I have officially taken a picture of the Duomo from every angle possible, haha. After eating lunch there we headed back down to go bag shopping. Several of the girls here have found some really great leather bags at decent prices so Sarah and I were hopeful that we could find our own. We went to two different open air markets, but didn’t find anything we were in love with (much to the chagrin of several of the vendors). Sans bags we walked back to the hotel for the rest of the afternoon where I have just been journaling and reading until dinner (which I am hoping will be better than the eggplant, peas and an apple I had last night).

Tomorrow is our last day of class in Florence and we are going to see the David. Obviously a must see when you are here and fun that we get to do it on our last day. Friday morning we start out early at 7:30 when we go as a class to Siena for the day. It is supposed to be about a 2 hour bus ride (maybe sleep a little longer) then we will have a couple hours of class followed by some free time. Hopefully the weather will be better than our trip to Pisa so that we can enjoy the free-time a little bit more.

Hard to believe I will be settled in Parma this time next week. Hopefully I will have made it to the grocery store since I’ll be in charge of cooking for myself and have my laundry done. I have been holding out on laundry since I have been here because we have to pay for the laundro-mat and its also a few blocks away. I think I will make it, but will land in Parma very ready to wash my clothes.

Its been good to be emailing back and forth with a few of you over the past couple of days. I feel like I am finally getting into a routine and have figured out when its best to be online so I can talk to you all. Hopefully that’ll become more of the trend.

I probably won’t post again until after my whirlwind of a weekend, so the next update (Sunday or Monday) should be a good one.


P.S. Congrats to Alli on making student council yesterday!! I’m so happy for you!!


Linda said...

hahahha liver. mmmmmmmmmm

cubicle warrior said...

mmm, liver.

and i'm going to pretend that you singing sweet caroline was a shoutout to me.
