Monday, December 8, 2008

walking in a winter wonderland...

...more like snow shoeing, but sadly there are no songs to incorporate such an amazing extracurricular activity.

We made it back from the Alps! Hardest for me to comprehend about that sentence at this point is the fact that that was our last weekend as part of my study abroad program. "The Alps" were the weekend that we we have been referring to since we got here as the time when we would "all get to hang out together one final time and it will be SO great!".  Well kids, that time has come and gone and now I'm on the very quick down hill slope.  Only 4 exams in 2 days stand in my way of finishing up my life here in Parma, but first let me recap the past week...

Last week was mostly spent in classes, getting ready for finals and enjoying the finally fully lighted streets of Parma.  I went on a walking tour of Parma with my Cultural Diversity class which was interesting because he took us to a few locations that I had yet to visit in my time here.  My other classes proved to be a little less interesting and a lot more stressful as the professors decided it is that great time of the year to spring on last minute information for the finals just to ensure that no one feels confident.  Love it. We also had our Christmas party at Anna's house on Wednesday night which was fun.  She prepared some appetizers and desserts for us and we got to sit around together as a group and enjoy some time together in a fully decorated Italian apartment.  We also sang some Christmas carols while Sarah played the piano from sheet music she was reading from the computer! 

Saturday morning all 25 of us headed up to the Alps together for the weekend.  It was a 3 1/2 hour bus ride, but so nice to have a private bus to pick us up and drop us off exactly where we were staying.  The hotel was also nice, and the most energy-efficient place I have ever stayed.  We couldn't figure out why our heater wasn't working one day only to learn that the system shuts itself off when someone forgets to completely seal the door to the outside. The setting was also gorgeous!  Aosta is a very cute little town situated in a valley of the Alps so as you look all around you are completely enclosed by gigantic snow-covered mountains.  It was breathtaking.  Saturday we didn't get there until late in the afternoon so we went on a walking tour of the city and then had some time to kill.  I want back to study some (lame I know) and then we all had dinner together at the hotel.  Afterwards a bunch of us tried to watch the ACC Championship football game together, but sadly our sanity wouldn't let us finish watching it after we watched a couple of the worst offensive plays any of us have seen in a while.  (Its okay boys, we'll be ready next year.)  

Sunday we all had the option of skiing (which I opted out of for many reasons including not having the appropriate clothes) or going snow shoeing.  I don't know how many of you have been able to take part in the experience that is snow shoeing, but we had a great time.  We had an alpine tour guide who led us on our path, pointed out random parts of the natural habitat and helped us fix our show shoes when we broke them.  I have never ever been that cold in my life though!!  I was wearing 3 long sleeve shirts, a sweatshirt, my peacoat, a scarf, 2 pairs of gloves, ear muffs, leggings, jeans, 3 pairs of socks and Ugg boots, but somehow the cold still managed to get to me.  After I got back to the hotel that afternoon, drank some hot chocolate and got into warm clothes it all seemed totally worth it.  That night we all had dinner together at the hotel and then watched Elf back in our hotel room before we crashed super early.  Being outside all day really drained us.

This morning we had the option of going to mass with our 2 leaders since it is a National Holiday here in Italy, but I opted out since it was Italian and also a Catholic mass and I assumed I would not get much out of it.  I instead stayed in, did a little bit of studying for my Italian final and then met up with the others at the Christmas market afterwards.  I bought a great winter hat there!  I definitely feel it will come in handy once I make it to Prague so be on the lookout for photos with it included.  After the Christmas market we headed back to the hotel to pack up and head out.  It was a really fast weekend, but really fun to get away to such a gorgeous setting.  Not a place I probably would have planned to go on my own, but I'm so glad they did it for us.  

Now I have 2 finals tomorrow (Italian exam and Organizational Behavior presentation) and 2 on Wednesday (History of Parma exam and Cultural Diversity exam).  I am most worried about the Italian and Cultural Diversity ones so at least they are spaced out over the 2 days.  I will definitely be glad to be finished studying.  After those 2 days are finished we have our closing dinner on Wednesday night where I will say goodbye to Caterina and Beta (our 2 leaders).  It will be super sad because they are such awesome ladies, but they have promised to come visit us in Boston next fall so I will see them again!  Then I have Thursday night where I guess I will go around and say some more goodbyes to some of the other kids who I won't see again until we get back to BC.  Friday morning I will leave super early with 3 girls from this program to head to Paris!  I'm so excited to see the city! We will be there for 2 nights and then Sunday morning I head out to meet Elena and Claire (my friends from BC who are studying in London) in Prague for a few days.  If all goes according to plan I will be back in Parma next Wednesday night (exhausted!) just in time to finish packing up everything and head out to Florence on Thursday with all of my belongings in tow.  Then the family arrives on that Saturday!! 

Its going to be a whirlwind couple of weeks so I don't know when the next time I will be able to post will be. I will somehow figure out a way to be in contact with Alli and/or my dad at some point so if you want to hear updates you may need to contact them.  I will try and update this at least with a couple of brief sentences to let you guys know how I'm doing if I get the chance.

I hope you all are doing well and I would love to hear some updates before my weeks of traveling come up and I don't have the regular access to email.  Hope you're able to enjoy the holiday spirit and know that I am thinking about all of you and can't wait to see you soon!!


P.S.  My dad's mother is having open-heart surgery tomorrow to replace a valve in her heart.  We have known for about a month that this surgery was going to need to occur, but recent events have made the doctors push up the date to tomorrow.  They are very optimistic about the success of the surgery, but, as in any circumstance, I would greatly appreciate your prayers for her and the entire family.  Everyone seems to be handling things well, but I would pray that this would continue and that the doctors could easily move through the surgery so that we can all begin to work on the next phases of this process.  Don't feel obligated, but I did want to share in case any of you would be willing to lift her up in prayer over the next few days. 

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